A list of Published Writings and Creative Activities
2012-13 University of California, Santa Cruz, Edward A. Dickson Professor of Psychology
2011- Editor-in-chief, Consciousness and Cognition.
2000 Guest Professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of Padua, Italy (spring).
1993-9 Gastprofessor, Max-Planck-Institute for Psychological Research, Munich, Germany (summer months)
1984- 2011University of California, Santa Cruz, Professor of Psychology and Psychobiology
1979-84 University of California, Santa Cruz, Associate Professor of Psychology and Psychobiology
1973-79 University of California, Santa Cruz, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Psychobiology
1966-67 Cornell University, Research Assistant
1965 Süddeutsche Kolbenbolzenfabrik, Schrozberg, Germany
1973 University of California, Berkeley, Post-doctoral Fellow (School of Optometry, Dept. of Physiological Optics)
1971-73 Free University of Berlin, Post-doctoral Fellow (Physiological Institute)
1967-71 Stanford University, Ph.D. in Psychology (Physiological)
1967 Cornell University, Special Graduate Student, Psychology
1962-67 Cornell University, B.A. cum laude in Psychology
Memberships in Honorary Societies
1973- Sigma Xi Honorary
1995-9 Treasurer, Santa Cruz Chapter, Sigma Xi.
1966- Psi Chi Honorary
Honors, Awards, Grants
2011 Research Grant, Volkswagen Foundation.
2011 Appointed Editor-in-chief, Consciousness and Cognition (Elsevier)
2010 Invited lectures, Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt; University of Paderborn; Bernstein Institute for Neuroscience, Berlin; Birkbeck College, University of London, and University of Liverpool
2010 Invited Keynote speaker, Applied Vision Assn. Spring Meeting, Liverpool, UK, March.
2009 Appointed Associate Editor, Perception.
2009 Invited colloquium, Smith-Kettlewell Institute for visual Sciences, San Francisco.
2009 Invited panelist following screening of “Fuel”, Rio Theater.
2009 Invited colloquia, University of Mainz, and University of Paderborn.
2008 Follow-up grant for research at the LMU Munich, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung.
2008 Invited lecture, Max-Planck Institute for Behavioral Biology, T�bingen, Germany.
2008 Invited participant, 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Science, Moscow, Russia.
2008 Invited contributing author, McGraw-Hill 2009 Yearbook of Science & Technology.
2007-10 Panelist, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
2007 Martin M. Chemers Award for Outstanding Research, U. of Ca. Santa Cruz
2006 Invited participant, conference on Mathematical Models of Backward Masking, Delmenhorst, Germany (sponsored by VW foundation), July.
2006 Invited lecture at Neurologische Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Hamburg, July
2006 Invited lecture, University of Bochum, Dept. of Neuroscience, July
2006 Invited lecture, Technical University of Dresden, Dept. of Psychology, July
2006 Invited lecture, Max-Planck Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig, Germany, July.
2005 Invited lecture, Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, Queen Square, November
2005 Invited lecture, Department of Psychology, Oxford University, November
2004 Associate Editor, Consciousness and Cognition
2004 Invited lectures at University of Munich, Germany; University of Regensburg, Germany; Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany; University of Potsdam, Germany, July.
2004 grant, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, for collaborative work in Germany, 455Euros.
2004 NASA funding for two graduate students, NASA/Ames Research Center.
2004 Invited Plenary Lecture at Tagung experimentell arbeitende Psychologen (Congress of Experimental Psychologists), Giessen, Germany April.
2003 Selected for inclusion in 2004 edition of Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (student nominations).
2003 Invited lectures at Max-Planck Institute for Psychological Research, Munich, Germany; University of Padova, Italy; University of Parma, Italy; University of Verona, Italy.
2003 Invited faculty, ISCI summer school (graduate level), Bad Zwischenahn, Germany, sponsored by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
2002 Invited lectures, Cognitive And Neural Bases Of Visuomotor Control, Agelonde, Hyères, France; and Symposium on ‘Visual Space Perception And Action’, Ohlstadt, Germany, September
2002 Invited workshop ‘Conscious and Unconscious visual Processing – Cognitive and Sensorimotor Aspects of Vision’, Association for the Scientific Study ofConsciousness, Barcelona, Spain, May.
2000- Listed in Who’s Who in America
2000 Invited participant, two symposia, International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm
2000 Invited participant, Attention and Performance XIX
1999 Invited Lecturer, Summer Institute, Delmenhorst, Germany (sponsored by DFG)
1999 Invited participant, Colloquium “Systems of reference for spatial knowledge, Hamburg, Germany (sponsored by DFG)
1999- Applied Vision and Human Factors Program Subcommittee – SPIE/SID
1998 Invited lecture: Characterizing the two visual systems, University of Freiburg, Germany, July
1998 Invited conference presentation, Ohlstadt, Germany, Sept.
1998 Curriculum improvement grant, U. of Ca. Academic Senate
1990-99 Scientific Advisory Committee, Max-Planck-Institute for Psychological Research, Munich, Germany.
1997 Invited lectures: University of Bonn, Germany; University of Aachen, Germany; Institut fuer Arbeitsphysiologie, Dortmund, Germany, June. University of Saarbruecken, Germany; Technical University of Munich, Germany (Kyberketik-Seminar); Technical University of Clausthal, Germany, July.
1996- Listed in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering
1996 Invited lecture: Buehlers Kolloquium 1996: “Functionale Dissoziation der zwei Sehsysteme bei Menschen” (in German), University of Dresden, Germany, Oct.
1996 Invited participant, Trieste meeting on multiple processing modes.
1994-99 NASA/Ames Research Center Cooperative Agreement, “Living in Space or Low Gravity Environments,” $65,015 direct and indirect costs.
1994 Accelerated promotion to Professor, step V.
1994 NASA Equipment Grant (NASA, Ames), “Plasticity in the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex”, Co-investigator with R. Welch, $7,549 total costs, Sept. 1-Dec. 31.
1993-94 AASERT Grant (USAF Office of Scientific Research), $18,504, Oct. 1-Aug. 31.
1992-93 NASA/Ames Research Center Cooperative Agreement, “Dual Adaptations and Adaptive Generalization to Sensory Arrangement,” $17,440 direct & indirect costs.
1991 Social Sciences Division Research Grant, U. of Ca., Santa Cruz, $4,000.
1990-92 AFOSR Research Grant, “Space Constancy on Video Display Terminals,” $311,000, 1/1/90-12/31/92.
1990 Resident Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Bielefeld, Germany: Project on Mind and Brain, June-July.
1990 Fellow, American Psychological Society.
1987-92 Appointed to Scientific Advisory Committee, Max-Planck-Institute for Behavioral Physiology, Seewiesen, W. Germany.
1986 Danforth Teaching Fellow, Danforth Foundation Conference, Palm Springs, California.
1985 University of California, Santa Cruz, Faculty Research Grant, “Perceptual and Motor Space Constancy.”
1985 Co-organizer, Symposium: “Sensorimotor Interactions in Space Perception and Action,” February 18-22, ZiF Universität Bielefeld, W. Germany.
1984-85 Invited Resident Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Project on perception and action, University of Bielefeld, W. Germany.
1982-85 NIH National Eye Institute Research Grant, “Perceptual and Motor Space Constancy.”
1982 University of California, Santa Cruz, Faculty Research Grant, “Masking Extraretinal Signals in Saccadic Suppression.”
1980 Equipment Grant, NIH Biomedical Support Committee.
1979-85 Danforth Teaching Fellow, Danforth Foundation
1979-81 NSF Behavioral and Neural Sciences: Sensory Physiology and Perception Unit Research Grant “Vision and Space Perception during Eye Movements”
1978 Invited participant, Sloan Foundation Symposium on Pattern Recognition, University of Texas
1976 Summer Curriculum Improvement Grant
1976 Instructional Minigrant
1975-78 NIH National Eye Institute Research Grant “Temporal Coding and Processing in Monkey Visual Cortex”
1974 NIH/ARVO Travel Grant
1973-74 Faculty Research Grant, University of California, Santa Cruz.
1972-73 NIH Post-doctoral Fellowship.
1971-72 Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Fellowship.
1970-71 Ford Foundation Fellowship, Stanford University.
1967-70 NDEA Fellowship, Stanford University.
1966 Psi Chi, Psychology Honorary, Cornell University.
1962-67 Palmer Scholar, Cornell University
1991-94 Associate Chair, Psychology Board of Studies
1991-92 Chair’s Advisory Committee, Psychology Board of Studies
1991 Chair, Committee on Undergraduate Affairs, Psychology
1990-91 Psychology Board Committee for Minority Affairs
1990-91 Chair, Psychology Board Undergraduate Honors Committee
1989-90 Chair, Psychology Board Committee on Undergraduate Affairs
1985-86 Psychology Board Committee on Undergraduate Affairs (Chair, FWS)
1982-83 Psychology Board Committee on Undergraduate Affairs (Chair, FWS)
1981-82 Psychology Faculty Search Committee
1979-80 Psychology Board Executive Committee
1979-80 Psychology Board Committee on Undergraduate Affairs
1975-77 Psychology Board Colloquium Committee Chairman
1975-76 Curriculum Committee, Member
1975 Psychology Board of Studies: faculty recruitment committee
1975 Curriculum revision committee
1980-99 College Eight Psychology Advisor
1978-79 College Eight Executive Committee
1978-79 College Eight Academic Affairs Committee
1976-77 College Eight Provost Search Committee
1975-77 Shoptalk Committee
1975-76 Executive Committee
1996-98 Social Sciences Division Research Committee
1995-96 Social Sciences Division Committee on Academic Personnel
1991-92 Computer Coordinating Committee, Social Sciences Division
1981-82 Social Science Division Curriculum Committee
2001 Instructor, COSMOS high school summer science education program (sponsored by National Science Foundation and Center for Adaptive Optics), July
2001 Two ad-hoc committees, promotion to professor
2000 Ad-hoc committee, tenure promotion
1992-99 Transportation Committee
1991 Review of Linguistics Board
1991 Review of Environmental Studies Ph.D. Program Proposal
1991 Chair’s Representative, Statewide CCGA, Irvine, May
1990 Tenure Reviews, Psychology Department, York University; Psychology Department, University of Rochester; Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel.
1990 Review of Economics Board
1989-91 Graduate Council
1989- Transportation Committee
1989- Chair, Human Subjects Institutional Review Board
1986-88 Graduate Council
1985 Referee for promotion to full professor, University of Virginia (J. Deese, chair).
1983-84 NIH Biomedical Grant Committee
1982-85 Human Subjects Institutional Review Board
1982-84 Animal Care Committee
1982-83 Social Science Division Curriculum Committee
1982-83 NIH Biomedical Grant Committee
1982 Program Review Committee, Western Psychological Association 1983 Meeting.
1981-82 NIH Biomedical Grant Committee
1981-82 Human Subjects Review committee
1981 Reviewer for J. Wiley and Sons.
1980 Reviewer for Oxford University Press.
1979-80 Berkeley Redirect Program
1979 Academic Faire
1978-79 Human Subjects Review Committee
1977 Psychobiology program, Chairman, summer
1977 Graduate Council
1977-82 Animal Care Committee (Universitywide)
1976-77 Science Writing Committee
Academic Senate
1994-98 Committee on Educational Policy
1992-94 Two Ad Hoc Promotion Committees, Chair of one
1992- Human Subjects Committee, Chair
1977-79 Subject A Committee
1975-76 Science Writing Committee
1975-76 Research Committee
2001-2 Reviewer for the following journals:
Vision Research
Journal of Motor Behavior (multiple reviews)
Perception & Psychophysics (multiple reviews)
Quarterly Review of Biology
Psychological Research
Consciousness and Cognition
Behavior Research Methods
Experimental Brain research (multiple reviews)
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
2001-2 Instructor, Center for Adaptive Optics COSMOS Summer program for disadvantaged high school students (volunteer position). Sponsored by NSF and CfAO.
2001 Invited Reviewer, Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), Arlington VA . (Supports scientists in the former Soviet Union.)
2001 Outside reviewer, tenure promotion, Cornell University
1997 Executive Council, UC Santa Cruz Faculty Association
1997 Invited to attend AAAI-97 Workshop on Language and Space, Providence, RI.
1997 National Science Foundation grant proposal reviewer
1996 Merit review of UC Santa Cruz Provost
1996 External review of PhD Dissertation, Northern Illinois University
1996 Review panel, University Committee on Education Abroad Program, Germany
1996-97 Merit review for Promotion to full professor, University of Pittsburgh
1995-99 Chair, Monterey Bay Cornell Alumni Admissions Network
1995-97 Promotion ad hoc committees outside Psychology, UC Santa Cruz
1995 Science Resource Panel of the Science and Literacy for Health project, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
1992-97 Scientific Advisory Committee, Max-Planck Institut fur Psychologische Forschung, Munich, Germany. Met in June 1993 to review the Institute and write a report for the Max-Planck Society.
1992-94 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship selection committee. Meets each February for three days in Washington, DC.
1994- Committee on Educational Policy, UC Santa Cruz
1994 National Science Foundation grant proposal reviewer
1992-98 Santa Cruz County Science Fair, judge
1990-98 Reviewer of the following journals ( indicates multiple reviews):
Consciousness and Cognition
Vision Research
Philosophical Psychology
Perception and Psychophysics
Journal of the Optical Society
Journal of Neurophysiology
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology
Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung
Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
Journal of Motor Behavior
Quarterly Review of Biology
Psychological Science
Experimental Brain Research
1989 Founding member, Santa Cruz Chapter, Sigma Xi.
1988 Referee, off-scale full professor appointment, University of California, Berkeley School of Optometry.
1986 Ad Hoc Committee, Professor Appointment in Chemistry (J. Feldman, Chair).
1983 Referee, promotion to full professor, UC Berkeley School of Optometry (J. Enoch, Chair).
1982 Reviewer for off-scale Full Professor appointment, UC Santa Barbara
1982 Candidate Evaluating School of Optometry, UC Berkeley
1980 Invited lecture, “The Process of Reading,” University Extension
1979-80 Fulbright Selection Committee
1979 Outside reviewer of Tenure case, UC Berkeley
1978-79 Fulbright Selection Committee
1975 Head of perception cluster
1975 Demonstrated to 4th grade classroom animal conditioning techniques
1975 Arranged colloquium by Karl H. Pribram, Stanford University
Public Lecture or Forum Participation
2002 “Immigration and Social Reforms”, Population Connection, Oct. 24.
2000 “Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology”, Santa Cruz Environmental Council, Nov. 3.
1992- “Population and Environment”, Four-eight invited school presentations/year for Zero Population Growth.
1998 Santa Cruz Environmental Council, Oct. 28. (videotaped for local television broadcast; also broadcast in Alameda, Ca. and Contra Costa County, Ca., 1999.)
1997 “Evolution and the meaning of life,” Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Santa Cruz.
1996 “Sociobiology and sex: Debate and discussion,” Bridgeman, B. and Zihlman, A., Developmental Psychology Colloquium Series, UC Santa Cruz.
1996 “Sociobiology and the meaning of life,” Scotts Valley Rotary Club.
1995 “Probing the cognitive and sensorimotor visual systems with the Roelofs effect,” Max-Planck-Institute for Psychological Research, Munich, Germany.
1994 “A functional view of consciousness,” Bhaktivedanta Institute (at UC San Francisco).
1994 “Zu Beziehungen zwischen Wahrnehmungen und Bewegungen” (“On relationships between perceptions and actions”), Universität Rostock, July 7.
1994 “Influence of stimulus sampling on reading from VDTs,” invited address, Technical University of Delft, July 4.
1994 “Eye movements and reading,” invited address, Max-Planck Institut für Hirnforschung, Frankfurt, July 18.
1994 “Dissociation of popout and parallel search,” invited address, University of Verona, July 25.
1993 “Perception of Space and Control of Equilibrium,” invited participant, Schloss Reisensburg, Germany, June 24-26.
1992 “Hermann von Helmholtz und die darstellende Kunst” (“Hermann von Helmholtz and representative art”) (in German), invited participant, Berliner Neurowissenschaftliches Kolloquium Physiologie, Charite Hospital, Berlin, Germany, July 8-9.
1991 Invited participant, Workshop on “Physiological Correlates of Mentally Represented Actions,” Series “Trieste Encounters on Cognitive Sciences.” Scuola Internaztionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) (Institute for Advanced Studies), Trieste, Italy.
1991 Invited lecture series at European summer school in “Cognitive Aspects of Motor Behavior,” Ohlstadt, Germany (European Society for Cognitive Psychology and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk), August.
1991 Invited guest lectures at the following institutions (with host): University of Dortmund, Germany, Institut für Arbeitsphysiologie (C. Cavonius); University of Bochum, Germany (K. P. Hoffman); University of Verona, Italy (G. Tassinari); MPI für Verhaltensphysiologie, Seewiesen, Germany (H. Mittelstaedt); University of Oldenburg, Germany, Psychology Department (E. Scheerer); Moscow State University, USSR, Department of Psychology and Knowledge Engineering (B. Velichkovsky).
1991 “Spatial allocation of attention: Costs or benefits?” invited lecture, Instituto di Fisiologia Umana, Universita’ di Verona, Italy.
1991 “Space constancy distortions in flickering environments,” invited lecture, Instutut für Arbeitsphysiologie an der Universität Dortmund, Germany.
1991 “Rolle der Propriozeption und Efferenzkopie in der visuellen Richtungswahrnehmung,” invited lecture, Universität Bochum, Germany.
1991 “Empirische Studien Über das Bewusstsein,” invited lecture, Universität Oldenburg, Germany.
1991 “Empirical studies of consciousness,” invited lecture, Department of Psychology and Knowledge Engineering, Moscow State University, USSR.
1991 “Efference copy and proprioception in visual direction,” invited lecture, Max-Planck Institut für Verhaltensforschung, Seewiesen, Germany.
1990 Invited participant, Rochester Vision Symposia, June.
1990 Invited guest lectures at the following institutions (with host): University of Freiburg, Neurologische Klinik, Germany (L. Spillman); University of Munich Psychological Institute (P. Stoerig/E. Poeppel); MPI fuer Psychologie, Munich (W. Prinz/M. Bullock); Free University of Berlin (O.-J. Gruesser).
1990 Invited Resident Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Bielefeld, Germany, Project on Mind and Brain, June.
1990 “Mechanisms of spatial localization assessed by pressing on the eye,” invited lecture, National Institute of Health LSR Seminar, Bethesda, Maryland.
1990 “How the brain knows where the eye is,” invited lectures, Physiologisches Institut der Freien Universitaet Berlin and Neurologische Universitaetsklinik, Freiburg, Germany.
1990 “Empirical studies of spatial localization,” invited lecture, Max-Planck Institut fuer psychologische Forschung, Munich, Germany.
1989 Invited participant, IVe Symposium International de la Presbytie (Essilor Corp., Sponsor), Marrakech, Marocco, June.
1989 “Interaction of cognitive and motor maps of visual space,” Psychology Department, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, January.
1989 “Interaction of cognitive and motor maps of visual space,” Psychology Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, January.
1989 “Determining visual straight ahead,” SUNY School of Optometry, New York, NY, January.
1989 “Determining visual straight ahead,” Psychology Department, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, January.
1986 Series of two invited guest lectures, Universit”t Ulm, W. Germany (P. Hoffman).
1986 Invited Participant, University of California, IGCC seminar on Psychology and Peace Studies, Rancho Santa Fe, California.
1986 Invited Guest Lecture, Smith-Kettlewell Institute, San Francisco (T. Kasamatsu).
1986 Invited Guest Lecture, MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, UK (A. Wilkins).
1986 “How the eye knows where the world is,” Inaugural Lecture, UCSC.
1985 Invited Guest Lectures (with host): University of Pisa, Italy (L. Maffei, A. Fiorentini), CNRS, Marseille, France (G. Gauthier, J. Paillard), CNRS, Lyon, France (M. Jeannerod, C. Prablanc), Universitätskrankenhaus Eppendorf, Hamburg, W. Germany (W. Zangemeister), Universität Münster, W. Germany (T. Bosser), Tech. Universität München, W. Germany (G. Hauske), Universität Freiburg, W. Germany (B. Fischer), Universität Tübingen, W. Germany (V. Braitenberg), Universität Zurich, Switzerland (N. Bischof), Max-Planck Inst., Göttingen, W. Germany (O. Creutzfeldt), Max-Planck Inst., Seewiesen, W. Germany (H. Mittelstaedt), University of Utrecht, Holland (S. Gielen), Institut für Arbeitsphysiologie, Dortmund, W. Germany (C. Cavonius), Universität Düsseldorf, W. Germany (R. Eckmiller).
1984 Invited Guest Lecture, “Dyslexia”: 34th Educational Program and Alumni Reunion, University of California, Berkeley Optometry Alumni Association.
1984 “Is psychology a scientific or a humanistic discipline?” Round-table discussion, M.B. Smith, moderator.
1983 Invited Guest Lecture, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL: “J.J. Gibson’s Legacy in Space Constancy,” May 18.
1982 Invited Keynote Address, 6th American Imagery Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 7.
1982 Invited Keynote Address “Visual Physiology: Recent Advances,” 6th American Imagery Conference, San Francisco, CA, November.
1982 Invited Address, “Role of corollary discharge in perception,” Psychology Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, August.
1981 UC Santa Cruz, Biology Colloquium Series, October: “Role of corollary discharge in human spatial orientation.”
1981 UC Berkeley, School of Optometry Oxyopia Colloquium Series, May: invited address.
1981 New York University, Department of Psychology, Area Seminar in Sensation and Perception, April: invited address: “Eye Movements and Form Perception.”
1981 NASA – Ames Research Center, invited address: “The cognitive basis of space constancy,” March.
1980 University of Freiburg, West Germany, September: invited address.
1980 University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, September: invited address.
1980 UC Berkeley, School of Optometry Oxyopia Colloquium Series, March: invited address.
1980 UC Berkeley, June, Symposium on Eye Movements and Cognitive Psychology: invited address.
1980 UC Berkeley, “Oxyopia,” Optometry School Colloquium series.
1980 NATO Conference on Motion Perception, Veldhoven, Netherlands, August: invited address.
1980 Invited participant, Symposium on Eye Movements and Cognitive Psychology, Berkeley, CA.
1980 Invited participant, NATO Symposium on the Study of Motion Perception, Veldhoven, Netherlands and Visual-motor Coordination Symposium, Lyon, France.
1980 INSERM Symposium on Spatially Coordinated Behavior, Lyon, France, September: invited address.
1979 York University, Ontario, Canada, December, invited address.
1979 University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, December, invited address.
1979 University of Buffalo, New York, December, invited address.
1979 Psychology Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, November, invited address, “Induced Motion.”
1979 Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, December, invited address.
1978 Sloan Foundation conference on pattern recognition, Austin, TX, July.
1978 American Psychological Association Symposium, Toronto, Ont., August, symposium organizer and chair.
1977 New School for Social Research, New York, NY, November, invited colloquium.
1976 West Coast Vision Meeting: Second Study Group, Berkeley, December, invited address.
1976 Physiologisches Institut, Freie Universit”t Berlin, Berlin, Germany, June, invited address, “Quantitative Untersuchungen uber Efferenzkopie.”
1976 Monterey Bay Psychological Association, Spring, Rio Del Mar, CA, “Space Perception: Current Research.”
1976 CNRS Institute de neurophysiologie et psychophysiologie, Marseilles, France, and Institute of Medical Physics, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July, invited addresses.
1975 Stanford University Psychology Department, invited colloquium.
1975 Smith-Kettlewell Institute of Visual Sciences (Pacific Medical Center), San Francisco.
1975 Physiological Optics Summer Research Seminars, Berkeley, CA, July, invited address.
1975 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, San Francisco, September, session chairman.
1974 Western Psychological Association, San Francisco.
1973 Stanford University Psychology Department, Stanford.
1973 Oxyopia (Physiological Optics Group), Berkeley.
Membership or Activities in Professional Associations
1999, 2001 Program Committee, Cognitive Sciences Society
2000, 2001 Program Committee, SID (Society for Information Display) Applied Vision/Human Factors Division
1990- Editorial Board member for Perception, Psycoloquy (S. Harnad, Ed.; APA, sponsor).
1990 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Co-organizer, Symposium: “Regenerative Growth in the Visual Sensory and Oculomotor Systems.”
1990 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Chair, Program Committee, Section on Eye Movements, Strabismus and Amblyopia.
1987 Elected to Program Committee, Eye Movement Section, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
1977 Corresponding Associate Editor, “Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Current and past memberships:
UC Santa Cruz Faculty Association, parking committee
Society for Neuroscience
Society of Photonic and Illumination Engineers
Sigma Xi
Psychonomic Society
Federation of American Scientists
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
American Psychological Society (Fellow)
American Psychological Association (Division 3) (Fellow)
American Association of University Professors
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Papers Presented at Professional Meetings
2006 Bridgeman, B. and Steven Macramalla. Measuring an action that is only imagined. European Conference on Visual Perception, St. Petersburg, Russia, August.
2006 Contributions of lateral inhibition to object substitution masking. Workshop on Backward Masking, Delmenhorst, Germany, July (Invited)
2006 Bridgeman, B. and Steven Macramalla. Effect of Load and Landmark Distance on Mental Self-Rotation. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Oxford, UK, June.
2006 Bridgeman, B. How much of a visual scene is represented in consciousness? Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Oxford, UK, June.
2006 Visual Sciences Society (VSS) Invited Symposium, Processing spatial layout by perception and sensorimotor interaction. Sarasota, May.
2005 Anthony C Sampanes and Bruce Bridgeman Undetected Transformation of One Scene Into Another of the Same Gist. VSS, Sarasota, May.
2005 Bridgeman, B. and Merrit Hoover Objective reality and slope perception in near and far space. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Pasadena, June.
2005 Bridgeman, B. Space constancy: The gradual dissolution of perceptual compensation. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Pasadena, June.
2005 Bruce Bridgeman and Merrit Hoover Perception of slopes of hills is more accurate in near space. Psychonomic society meeting, Vancouver BC, November.
2004 Bruce Bridgeman, Vincent Di Lollo, James T. Enns and Adrian von Mühlenen. Modeling Metacontrast Masking with Varying Target and Mask durations. VSS, Sarasota, May.
2004 Bridgeman, B. & Hahn, J. How attractive am I? Self-ratings of attractiveness correlate with the ratings of others. Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES), July 21-25, Berlin, Germany.
2004 Bridgeman, B., DiLollo, V., Enns, J. & von Muhlenin, A. Visual Sciences Society, Sarasota, Fl., May.
2003 Bridgeman, B. & Lathrop, W. B. Looking Without Seeing: Evidence of Visual Processing During Inattentional Blindness. Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, Nov.
2002 Bridgeman, B., University of California, Santa Cruz; Paul Dassonville, University of Oregon; Jagdeep Bala, University of Oregon; Paul Thiem, University of California, Santa Cruz What is stored in the sensorimotor visual system: map or egocentric calibration? Visual Sciences Society, Sarasota, Fl., May.
2002 Dassonville, P., Bridgeman, B., Sampanes, A. C., Bala, J., & Thiem, P. A New Interpretation Of Roelof’s Effect Based On Distortions Of The Apparent Midline. Paper presented at Cognitive Science Association for Interdisciplinary Learning, Hood River, OR. (August) 2002 Bridgeman, B. “Workshop on Two Visual Systems”. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Barcelona, Spain, May (Invited)
2002 Bridgeman, B. “Limits of the sensorimotor branch of the visual system.” EuroConference and EBBS workshop on cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Visuomotor Control, LaLonde, France, Sept. (Invited)
2002 Bridgeman, B. “Light, coordinate systems and the plastic eye”. Visual space Perception and Action, Ohlstadt, Germany, Sept. (Invited)
2001 Bridgeman, B. & Thiem, P. “Information transformation fails in the sensorimotor pathway”. Visual Sciences Society, Sarasota, Fl., May.
2001 Bridgeman, B. & Thiem, P. “Limits of the sensorimotor visual system”. ARVO/VSS day, Berkeley, Ca., August
2001 Bridgeman, B. Polarity reversal does not destroy the Poggendorff illusion. Optical Society Satellite Meeting, Irvine Ca., October.
2001 Massimo Turatto, Sandro Bettella e Bruce Bridgeman,Università di Padova e University of California, Santa Cruz, Ca. “Ruolo Dei Segnali Transienti Nella Change Blindness”, AIP, Alghero, Sardegna, Italy, July.
2002 “Transformation of visual direction requires the cognitive visual system”, SPIE, San Jose, Ca., Jan.25.
2000 Neurobiologische Grundlagen der Aufmerksamkeit (Invited, in German). Symposium, Oekonomie der Aufmerksamkeit, Evanelische Kongresszentrum Tutzing, Germany, Dec.
2000 “A visual-proprioceptive illusion at the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot:”, Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, Nov. 18.
1999 “Reality is always virtual”, SPIE, San Jose, Ca., Jan. 27.
1997 “Adaptive generalization and dual adaptation in the human vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR), Bridgeman, B., Williams, J., and Welch, R.B., ARVO, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl., May.
1997 “Frequency vs. acceleration specificity in human VOR adaptation”, Williams, J., Bridgeman, B., and Welch, R.B., ARVO, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl., May.
1997 “The unconscious sensorimotor representation of visual space has a very short memory”, Bridgeman, B., Gemmer, A., and Foresman, T., Psychonomic Society, Philadelphia, Pa., November.
1996 “Dual adaptation, but no adaptive generalization of the human VOR,” ARVO Day, School of Optometry, UC Berkeley, June.
1995 “Auditory context affects auditory localization,” Bridgeman, B., Welch, R.B., and Williams, J., Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, November 11.
1994 Deubel, H., Bridgeman, B., and Schneider, W.X., “The role of postsaccadic visual information in the perception of a stable visual world,” 19th European Conference on Visual Perception, Eindhoven, September. Max-Planck Institut Report #6, 1994.
1993 Blouin, J., Bridgeman, B., Teasdale, N., Bard, C., and Fleury, M., “Effects of goal-directed arm movements on the saccadic suppression,” Seventh European Conference on Eye Movements, August 31-September 3.
1993 “Change in temporal microstructure induces change in reading scanpaths,” Seventh European Conference in Visual Perception, Edinburgh, September.
1992 “Motion aftereffect (MAE) can follow vectional, and not retinal, direction” (with C. Nardello). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology meeting, May.
1991 “Saccadic suppression of displacement at isoluminance” (with S. Macknik and S. Switkes). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida.
1991 “Attention and automaticity: The interaction of two modes of visual attention” (with M. Spivey and B. Fisher). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida.
1990 “Task differences in visual search: Does attention aid detection?” (with B. Fisher and I. Biederman). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida.
1990 “Space constancy in flickering fields” (with S. Macknick and B. Fisher). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida.
1990 “Role of inflow and outflow in space constancy.” Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, November.
1990 “How the brain knows where the eye is: The Gauthier effect” (with L. Stark). Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, November.
1989 “Effect of eye press on straight ahead depends upon visual context.” Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology meeting, May.
1989 “Complementary cognitive and motor image processing.” IV. Essilor symposium on Presbyopia, Marrakech, Morocco, June.
1988 “The adequate stimulus for pursuit eye movements.” Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology meeting, May.
1987 “Two separate representations of visual space in normal humans.” Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology meeting, May.
1985 “Visual perception of surface texture,” European Conference on Event Perception, Uppsala, Sweden, July.
1985 “Relations between the physiology of attention and the physiology of consciousness,” Visual Attention and Action, Bielefeld, W. Germany, July.
1985 “Multiple sources of outflow in processing spatial position,” Sensorimotor Interactions in Space Perception and Action, Bielefeld, W. Germany, February.
1984 “Corollary Discharge and Visual Orientation,” OculoMotor Symposium (OMS) Meeting, Berkeley, Ca., February.
1983 “Eye press does not induce a straight-ahead shift,” Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November.
1983 “Afferent signal and efference copy need not be synchronized,” Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, FL, May.
1982 “Induced motion: Relative motion or Roelofs effect?”, Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November.
1982 “Foreground/Background Constancy During Visual Fixation” (with D. Delgado), Association for Research and Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, Florida, March.
1981 “Efferent Copy and Visual Direction” (with L. Stark), Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, Florida, March.
1981 “Can Both Matin and Helmholtz Be Right?”, California Institute of Technology, Oculo-Motor Symposium.
1979 Tenth Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, April.
1979 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, November.
1979 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Spring Meeting, Sarasota, FL, paper with N. Nelken and G. Heit, May.
1979 “Temporal Aspects of Coding in Single Cells of Monkey Striate Cortex,” Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, November.
1978 Bio-Engineering Dept., Carnegie-Mellon U., Pittsburgh, PA, August.
1977 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, paper with S. Leff, November.
1977 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Spring Meeting, Sarasota, FL, April, paper with M. Nagle and L. Stark.
1976 XXI International Congress of Psychology, Paris, France, July.
1976 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Spring Meeting, Sarasota, FL, April.
1976 “Helmholtz’s Frame of Reference Computation,” Bioengineering of Vision Conference, Berkeley, California, June.
1975 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Spring Meeting, Sarasota, FL, April.
1974 Society for Neuroscience, Fourth Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October, with M. Mayer and L. Glen.
1974 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Spring Meeting, Sarasota, Florida, April, with D. Hendry and L. Stark.
1974 American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, September, with D. Hendry and L. Stark.
Editorial or Board Service to Publications
2001-Editorial Advisory Board, Psychological Research
2000-1 Reviewer, Cognitive Sciences Society annual meeting papers.
1990- Perception Editor, Psycoloquy (a refereed electronic journal), Stevan Harnad, coordinating editor.
2001 Editorial Board, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, European Journal of Cognitive Psychology.
2003 Associate Editor, Psychological Research.(review and accept/reject Mss)
1986-89 Referee, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vision Research, Perception and Psychophysics, Psychological Research, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Psychological Research.
1985-86 Co-editor, special issue of Acta Psychologica.
1977 Corresponding Associate Editor, Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
1975-76 Referee, Vision Research, Perception, Perception and Psychophysics, Psychological Review, Brain, Journal of the Optical Society of America, Behavior and Brain Sciences.
Service to Local, State, or Federal Government
1992 Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Reviewer
1990-92 National Science Foundation Minority Graduate Research Fellowship Program, National Research Council, Psychology Panel, Washington, DC
1990 National Science Foundation, Reviewer for grant proposals in Human Cognition and Perception, and in History and Philosophy of Science
1989-91 National Science Foundation Minority Graduate Fellowship Selection Committee, Washington, DC.
1987-89 National Science Foundation, Reviewer for grant proposals in Applied Mathematics and Biological Basis of Behavior Programs.
1986 National Science Foundation, Reviewer for grant proposal, Behavioral and Neural Science Program.
1984 National Science Foundation, Reviewer for grant proposal, Behavioral and Neural Science Program.
1981-83 National Science Foundation, Reviewer for grant proposal (five proposals).
1981 National Institutes of Health, Reviewer for grant proposal.
1980 Oxford University Press, Reviewer for proposed book.
1980 National Science Foundation, Reviewer for Grant Proposal.
1979 Outside Member, Ph.D. dissertation committee, New York University, Downsview, Ontario, Canada.
1977 National Science Foundation, Reviewer for Grant Proposal